ShilohFest 2012


The Ministry of Dr. Moses Olanrewaju Aransiola has spanned more than 24 years, since God called him in 1970 to lead the Ibadan Varsity Christian Union (IVCU), then Africa’s largest Campus Fellowship. The following year, God also permitted him to lead the Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES), the world’s largest Christian students’ body. Dr. Aransiola also served the national body (NIFES) as its national prayer secretary for six years. As a minister primarily called of God to be a revivalist, teacher and an intercessor, God founded through him, the Gethsemane Prayer Ministries. Today, the scope of the Ministries is worldwide. Dr. Aransiola is an alumnus of the famous Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership in Singapore. He is currently the national coordinator of two national prayer bodies: the ‘Nigeria Prays’ – A National Prayer Mobilization initiated by General Dr. Yakubu Gowon, Nigeria’s Ex-Head of State, and the National Committee on Repentance, Reconciliation and Prayer Mobilization. Rev. Aransiola has a Ph.D. in Fisheries Management and was a lecturer in University of Ibadan for many years. He is married with children.

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